Rudens ir klāt! Laipni lūdzam nokārtot savu 2024.gada biedru maksu ($40).
Sūtiet e-transferu uz TLPApensionari@hotmail.com, vai rakstiet čeku “TLPA” vārdā un nododiet kasierim Micheal Wood!
Ja neziniet savu statusu lūdzu sazinaties ar Marutu.
Biedru maksa sedz gadu sākot ar janvāra mēnesi un ir derīga līdz decembra beigām. Iesakām
nākamā gada karti pirkt decembrī. Biedru karte ir vajadzīga, lai piedalītos vēlēšanās
februāra pilnsapulcē un/vai citos gadījumos.
Esošie biedri, lūdzu, aizpildiet šo anketu par kontaktpersonas informāciju!
***P.S. E-pasti, kas katru nedēļu tiek izsūtīti, var gadīties, ka ir SPAM. Pārbaudiet arī to, lūdzu!***
Vai esat mainījuši savu adresi? Lūzu aizpildiet ŠO ANKETU un atsūtiet, lai varam veikt izmaiņas!
Toronto Latvian
Pensioners’ Association
Dievam, tuvākam un savai tautai
Established in
Dārgie Pensionāri!
Svarīgākā lieta, kas katram būtu jādara, ir saņemt savu COVID-19 booster shot!
Aiciniet visus savējos darīt tā pat!
Neaizmirstam sekot dotā brīža ierobežojumiem!
Mudinām visiem dabūt PIEKTĀS potes!
Uz redzēšanos ceturdienās, tiekoties Latviešu centrā, vai pieslēdzoties ZOOM sanāksmēm.
Aiciniet ģimeni, draugus un paziņas piebiedroties mums. Mēs pieņemam visus.
Turaties uzmanīgi un veseli!
4 Credit Union Drive
Toronto, ON M4A 2N8, Canada
About us
Our mission is to provide our seniors with services and programs which are diverse, varied, rich and engaging.
A second home to exercise, sing, eat, play, socialize, learn and contribute. A place where they can feel independent, support each other and can make new friendships
A place where they can maintain the Latvian language and culture. A place where their spiritual and social life is enriched.
A place that can provide education and assistance regarding the laws of the land, medical care, pensions and aid in other pertinent matters.
A guide to programs and services for seniors
Find information on resources available for seniors in Ontario, including tax credits, health, caregiving, housing, driving and staying safe.
Health care programs and services
Seniors in Ontario have access to many health care programs and services in their communities.
For more Health Care Options click here
Driving and transportation services
Many communities have organizations that provide volunteer driving and transportation services for seniors, including those who need accessible transportation.
For more information and Public Transit click here
Retirement homes
Retirement homes are a form of housing where residents pay for accommodation and care services. They do not receive government funding and residents pay the full cost of accommodation and any care services they purchase.
For more information and how to Find a retirement home, click here
Renew your driver’s licence
You must renew your driver’s licence every two years if you are over the age of 80.
Learn how to renew your licence if you are over the age of 80 here